Contact me.

johngmarks at gmail dot com
Twitter: @johngmarks

I live in outside of Washington, D.C.

I am always eager to share my passion for history, scholarly expertise, and professional experience with a wider audience. If you’re interested in inviting me as a speaker, please just shoot me an email. Among the topics I’m interested in speaking about—whether it’s a podcast interview, video-chatting with a class, or other format—are:

  • My current book project, exploring how Americans have understood slavery’s place in George Washington’s legacy from his death until today—and how it informs present day controversies about history.

  • Field-wide trends in public history, particularly related to the 250th anniversary, data collection, visitation to museums and historic sites, and Americans’ perceptions of history.

  • My other scholarly work, including my book Black Freedom in the Age of Slavery: Race, Status, and Identity in the Urban Americas and other topics related to race, slavery, and freedom in the United States and Atlantic World.

  • Alternative careers for history and humanities Ph.D’s, training, and professional development for historians outside the tenure track.